What is Freezer Burn?
Posted by amy in Episodes, Fit Life
It’s the middle of winter and when you are thinking about freezing temperatures, are you thinking about your freezer? We take for granted what the freezer does for us and how it works. Find out some of its secrets in this episode of Fit Life.
Move of the Week – Tricep Dips
Hot Topic – Freezer
Freezer Burn
Baking Soda
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You can find the rest of my shows on my Mevio profile at amy.mevio.com . If you would like to get all of my shows ( Assercize , Fitness Attack , Fitness Attack en Espanol , Fit Life ) as well as my News & Recipes blog, subscribe to the main feed at feeds.feedburner.com/wamall or read it online at www.withamymac.com/news
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