Misto Olive Oil Sprayer

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Misto Oil Sprayer In a recent going green episode of Fit Life, I used an aerosol cooking spray out of habit. Cooking sprays are lower in calories and less mess than using regular oil, however, aerosol cans are not recyclable in most areas. After realizing my mistake, I had to find a compromise with my addiction to healthy eating and desire to be a greener girl.

I found Misto, a gourmet olive oil sprayer at Bed, Bath & Beyond for $9.99 ( and then, of course I used one of the never-expiring coupons!) I tried it, it works, my food isn’t oily and I’ve replaced my cooking spray for good.

Misto allows you to use any oil and then uses pressure to make it into the light mist that we have grown to love. I like it because it still acts like a regular cooking spray and I know exactly what the ingredients are! I understand that I have to keep the nozzle clean or it will clog after awhile, but that is to be expected.

Misto Gourmet Brushed Aluminum Olive Oil Sprayer at Amazon.com

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