iPhone App Review: Good Food Near You

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good food near youYou read magazines and blog posts that list what food choices you should be making when eating out.   However, if you are like me, you find it hard to remember the best menu option at every restaurant.  I do take my food choices pretty seriously, but I’m not going to demand to see the nutrition facts before ordering.   So, I do the best I can and then check myself in Eat This, Not That when I get home!  That being said, I was pretty excited to test out the Good Food Near You iphone (and blackberry) app.


1 – Simple!
It was very easy to enter my zip code and have the restaurants pop up with their menus.

2 -Priority Sort
You can select if you want information based on Lowest Fat, Carbs or Calories.

3 – FREE!
It’s a free app for your iPhone or Blackberry!


1 – Chain Restaurants Only
The only restaurants that popped up for me were chains, not the great local eateries.

2 – Selection Variation
Some of the menus were out of date as far as food selections.

3 – Skipped Restaurants
I was looking down the street at a Wendy’s and it did not show up on the list – so not 100% accurate.

I found this app helpful and because its free I didn’t have to be disappointed when it wasn’t perfect.  I’m sure the next versions will continue to be better and more robust.  If you travel frequently or find yourself at chain restaurants often, this healthcare & fitness app will help guide you to make a smarter food choice.

You can download it for your iPhone or Blackberry at GoodFoodNearYou.com or at iTunes.

Fit Links:
New Web Site and iPhone App Lets You Find Good Food Near You – Health.com
Good Food Near You iPhone App – BlissTree.com

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