Pick Your July Fitness Goal

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goalsThis month, I’m going to attempt more cross-training. I’m noticing that already this summer, I’m falling into a workout rut. It seems that I have my winter workout (all in the gym, lifting, Pilates and cardio) and my summer workout (all outside walking, working, hiking, lifting and now swimming). Neither are bad workouts, I just seem to avoid thinking about doing something different. So this month, I’m going to do more rock climbing, try to start yoga again and maybe even hit the driving range! If I’m lucky, I’ll be able to squeeze in a class with my Tennessee KettleBell guys!

What are your fitness goals for July?

The Eagle Pass – Beat Workout Boredom!
If you are in the SF or Denver area, you can cross train with ease thanks to The Eagle Pass. It allows you to pay the lowest possible cost to multiple gyms so that you can hop around and do all of your favorite things without it costing a fortune in memberships or drop-in rates! Plus, I have a promotional code that will save you even more when you join clubs through TheEaglePass.com site!

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