Fight the Holiday Weight

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Only 2 days until Christmas…

What can you do to get in some extra exercise while you hustle and bustle?

Just in case you aren’t able to keep up your usual gym routine while you finish your holiday shopping, here are a couple of tips on how to burn some extra calories.

Stand. You did all the shopping, now you have to gift wrap all those presents. You burn more calories standing than you do sitting so wrapping gifts on the counter or hightop table will help you cancel out that peppermint latte! You can also do this while you fill out your holiday cards and, even if you aren’t the holiday chef, you can stand around in the kitchen and supervise!

Fidget. This is another tiny calorie buster that can add up! While you are waiting at the cash register, in line at the post office or even at a holiday party, move as much as possible.  Fidgeting can be anything from shifting weight from side to side, pacing, dancing to the Christmas jingles, toe raises, butt squeezes and anything else you can think of – shivering and doing the “I’m cold” dance is another great one!

Travel Fitness. You finally have the car packed and are ready to hit the road.  There is no need to worry about fitness shoes or equipment in that crowded suitcase because I have a fast and easy travel fitness circuit that will help you burn off those holiday treats while on the road.  If you are going to be staying in hotels, check out my hotel workout series.  Remember that even when you can’t fit in your full gym workout, something is better than nothing!

The holidays are a crazy busy time of year but don’t let your health suffer! Be conscious of what you are eating, keep your body moving and get ready to stay healthy and fit in the new year! Merry Christmas!

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