Time to Take Action on Those Arms

Posted by in Episodes, Fit Life

It’s time to take action on those arms!

It might still feel like winter but spring is just around the corner! And while swimsuit season may still be a few weeks off, tank tops and strapless dresses will be everywhere in no time. Now is the best time to get those arms in shape so that when the sun comes out – you are ready!

Here are 3 armazing moves:
1 – stability ball pushup – The stability ball pushup with feet on the ball is an upper body exercise that will tone your ab muscles, improving your balance by challenging your core and sculpt your arms, chest and back at the same time!
2 – arnold press – The arnold press is a great way to strengthen the shoulders. When you keep this move controlled, you’ll see and feel the results!
3 – side raises – This move is great for the shoulders and the arms and back are assisting so the entire upper body is seeing benefit!

These are just 3 moves to get those arms in action. Find more of these moves at EverydayBetter.com – we’ll see you next time, stay fit and be well.

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