Celsius. A Beverage for You?

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I’m always in search of foods and drinks that taste good and are still good for you. I met Janice at the IHRSA conference in March and was impressed with both the taste and the science behind her product, Celsius. I also agree with the way they market Celsius as a beverage alternative, not as a weight loss plan.

Celsius is a great beverage alternative to drinking soda. It comes in five different flavors and each bottle is only 10 calories. But in addition to being low-calorie, it raises your metabolism to help you burn additional calories! To find out more – watch the interview in Fit Life 015!

from the Celsius website:
is designed to be a great replacement beverage for people that like the taste of a soda, the energy of an energy drink or coffee, but don’t want the calories and chemicals that are found in them. Celsius is unique in that it is designed to be as natural as possible. Celsius has no chemical preservatives, no carbs, no sugar, no high fructose corn syrup, and is very low sodium. And Celsius is loaded with good for you ingredients such as Green Tea with EGCG, Ginger, Calcium, Chromium, B Vitamins, and Vitamin C.

Visit Celsius.com for more information about the science behind the product and if you are looking to try it: Find a Retailer.

If you want to order online – use this number, 158637779, to get a discount!

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