What is fiber?
It seems like, lately, fiber is showing up in almost everything we eat. We see and hear a lot about the importance of fiber, but do you really know why you need adequate amounts of it? First and foremost, fiber is important to the digestive system.
When eating foods that are high in fiber, you should notice that you feel full faster and longer. This is because of the makeup of fiber, which causes it to expand and stay in your stomach for more time than other foods. As an added bonus, by staying in your stomach longer, fiber can also help to regulate blood sugar levels.
Fiber is also useful in lowering cholesterol, preventing certain cancers, and lessening some colon and intestinal problems. Fiber may also contribute to weight loss and maintenance. So, be sure that you’re getting enough fiber in your diet.
Sources of fiber include vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grain foods and beans.
Dietary Fiber: Essential for a healthy diet- Mayo Clinic
High Fiber Foods – Mayo Clinic
Fiber: Start Roughing It – Harvard
Fit Life Fiber Video:
<< Fiber Facts Video – Watch Now! >>
Fitness Attack #2, the book, is going to be released on Halloween 2010! That’s right, 10/31/10! It will feature 101 easy tips to help you live a healthy and fit life! 91 of those tips will be released right here, starting today and going through the launch date. The last 10 tips are EXCLUSIVE to the book so if you want them, you’ll have to buy the book! We are also working on lots of bonus material to overload the book! More info on ordering and content to come – stay tuned!