My New Year’s Plan…

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new-years-resolutionSo first of all, I pigged out over the holidays which is really out of character for me.  I’m tired, sluggish and feel like a blob, so I’m ready for the holiday food to end and real life to resume!  I miss the gym, my healthy diet and all the energy that comes with them!  I’m not big on new year’s resolutions but I’m all about being supportive so I’ve taken on a couple of challenges in this new decade…

1) Chris and I are going to train for a the Country Music 1/2 Marathon in April (as long as my knees hold out).

2) Nik and I have made a sizable wager on us completing the P90X. If either of us drops out, we owe the other mucho dinero, if we both complete it, then we are going to plan a big celebration!

Working out with a buddy helps keep you accountable, especially when the winter blahs are in full effect! New Year’s Resolutions don’t have to just be for losing weight.  You can just focus on feeling better.  I’ll keep you posted on our health and fitness progress… what are your goals for the year?

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