High quality audio and video health shows from Amy Mac.
High quality audio and video health shows from Amy Mac.
Posted by amy in News on 13. Jul, 2015 | No Comments
Great infographic on women and weightlifting from Chuze Fitness:
Continue Reading »Posted by amy in News on 27. Mar, 2015 | No Comments
You are going to do several different exercises in this circuit workout plan so these quick 10 minute workouts really work you out! This workout video includes doing hamstring curls for the butt and thighs, pushups for the upper body and side to side crunches for the abs. We don’t […]
Continue Reading »Posted by amy in News on 13. May, 2014 | No Comments
People seem to believe that obtaining fitness goals is difficult. The only reason the word difficult should be in your head is because of the personal road blocks you face, that only you know. Overcoming the road blocks is important. Improving your personal fitness is a commitment, like any other, […]
Continue Reading »Posted by amy in News on 24. Mar, 2014 | No Comments
I know we have all struggled with shopping for swimsuits. I’ve found that swimsuits to train in are even harder to get the right fit. When I was invited to try Nayad Athletic Swimwear – I jumped at the chance! I’ve had previous success with Zoot suits and Athleta and […]
Continue Reading »Posted by amy in News on 02. Mar, 2014 | No Comments
The keywords in this workout routine are Lunge, Twist and Crunch! Get ready to sweat because we’ve got some big moves that are going to work your whole body in 10 minutes with just a medicine ball! It’s pretty easy to guess that some of the exercises in this workout […]
Continue Reading »Posted by amy in Episodes, Fit Life on 04. Nov, 2013 | No Comments
The season of overeating starts on Halloween and runs all the way through Valentine’s Day. But that doesn’t mean it’s time to throw in the towel when it comes to making healthy choices. Here are a few suggestions of how you can add more nutrients to your diet and save […]
Continue Reading »Posted by amy in Episodes, Fit Life on 13. Oct, 2013 | No Comments
If you are a lap swimmer, then I think having underwater headphones will be a workout changer for you. Every time I get in the pool, someone approaches me about my headphones and I find that I’m always insisting they get a pair. I hate to swim but somehow when […]
Continue Reading »Posted by amy in Episodes, Fit Life on 03. Sep, 2013 | No Comments
Start off on the right foot with these breakfast ideas! It’s the most important meal of the day and yet it seems to be the meal people skip! did you know that those that skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight? It’s understandable that you don’t have time to whip […]
Continue Reading »Posted by amy in Episodes, Fit Life on 08. Aug, 2013 | No Comments
Avocados have always been popular in certain regions but recently, they have gone a bit more mainstream. There are a great source of the good fats, as well as loads of vitamins. One of my favorite afternoon snacks is an avocado with cottage cheese… and of course, who doesn’t love […]
Continue Reading »Posted by amy in Episodes, Fit Life on 25. Jul, 2013 | No Comments
Everyone wants to know the best plan for eating and losing weight. We’ve been told that eating several small meals a day is the best way to lose weight. Now a recent study came out saying that eating 2 larger meals a day earlier in the day is the best […]
Continue Reading »I remember growing up in my small town in Indiana where every year in school we would have “Presidential Physical Fitness Week”. Basically we had to perform a series of physical tests that even the wimpy kid we beat up every day could do and if (when) we completed it, our parents got to drive around with a stupid bumper sticker on their car and I got an “Official” photocopied certificate signed from the President! These tests included throwing a softball 10 ft, running a 100 meters (the whole thing!) and jumping rope 100 times.
Continue Reading »You know that I’m not a big fad diet person and that I think moderation, healthy choices and exercise are the way to a healthy and fit life. However, I’ve gotten so many questions about the HcG diet, that I thought I would COMPILE some seemingly credible info… So basically, […]
Continue Reading »Now this is a blast from the past. I happened to be reading The 4-Hour Body the other day and it totally reminded me of a classic way to lose weight. So many people just want to lose a few pounds to be happy. The great thing about losing a […]
Continue Reading »So I was reading a magazine the other day and read an article about some Kung Fu guys who can do one finger pushups. I was ridiculously amazed at the thought. I was like “Why would you want to do that or care? Surely this must help with some Kung […]
Continue Reading »The Super Bowl is here! Whether or not you are a football fan, the Super Bowl is treated like a holiday in this country and we celebrate with friends and food! This is all wonderful until you realize that the amount of junk food you are eating in those few […]
Continue Reading »The Scenario: You just finished a long hard run and you have this tickle in your throat. You especially notice it when it’s cold outside. So what is this issue? Is “runner’s cough”? Is it something more? Why do you cough after exercise? Runner’s Cough is the umbrella term for […]
Continue Reading »Fiber has been in the media over and over again for weight control and for good reason. Not only has it been proven to prevent many types of cancer, heart disease, and help bowel movements but it is termed a “non-digestible food substance”. So why would you eat something you […]
Continue Reading »Every time you accidentally touch the treadmill during your workout, you get a little shock. It doesn’t hurt as much as it just pisses you off so that you don’t want to run anymore. This is especially true when it comes through your headphones. It could be a type of electroshock […]
Continue Reading »What forum, article, late night television informercial featuring a guy with bad hair, or book does NOT talk about this? We all want to know the answer. Who doesn’t want that perfect beach bod to attract that hottie we keep visualizing at night. The truth is gonna hurt. Ready? It’s […]
Continue Reading »You know when you are reaching for your sunglasses inside, the music down the street in someone’s headphones is ridiculously loud and you feel nauseous as hell, that you have a migraine coming on. This is where I found myself earlier this afternoon and when I reached for my migraine […]
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